The COVID-19 pandemic has reached catastrophic proportions in India, particularly at the National Capital. With a significant rise in cases in April 2021, the medical care systems are highly strained. The demand for medical treatment has far exceeded Delhi’s capacity, and there is a lack of essential COVID-19 medication, mechanical equipment, and ICU beds, as well as a lack of medical-grade oxygen.

SaveLIFE Foundation(SLF) is working in close partnership with the Government to extend its CSR partnerships to deliver oxygen concentrators to meet the rising demand for the same. SLF is working to provide high-grade medical oxygen concentrators to be delivered to public hospitals of Delhi that is catering to COVID patients from 9 States. This equipment fulfils all relevant safety guidelines like US FDA, ISO and CE certifications. 

As we come together as a nation to face our biggest healthcare crisis, we as a team at Sublime Life feel so helpless. While we all are trying to do our bit individually and trying our best to keep safe, we have decided to support Save Life Foundation in their efforts to have medical oxygen concentrators delivered to those in need. 100% of our revenues for May 1st 2021 will be used to contribute to SaveLIFE Foundation.

This is the least we could do during this challenging time. We appreciate all your support and please stay safe.