Refillable India is a startup born during the COVID-19 Pandemic that aims to eliminate the use of Single-Use Plastic(SUP). The Indian government has been religiously trying to fight the SUP battle but the battle is challenging. Even with the various measures taken, 9,220 tons of plastic waste is collected in India on a daily basis. Therefore, this plastic-free July, we are joining hands with Refillable India to raise awareness about reuse & refill and highlight the issues of single-use plastic packaging. We encourage you to make the right choice by being a part of the Global Plastic Free July Movement.
Simply fill up your details and submit the form. After you have sent us the required details, our truck will be at your doorstep within the next 3 working days. You will receive timely notifications one day prior and one hour prior before we reach your premises. For every bottle that is recycled or refilled, you will receive 100 reward points.
Note: Our refill/recycle truck service is currently restricted to Mumbai residents only.