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7 Active Ingredients And The Skin Concerns They Tackle

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Which ingredient is the right fit for your skin problems?

Ever used a skincare product, loved the texture, affordability, finish and everything about it but sadly that led to breakouts? Eh, we know the feels! It sucks that you come across a product that works so well, has the best reviews and is made with the best ingredient but is just not your skin’s cup of tea. You buy a product with so much enthusiasm and hours of research and end up getting acne and pimples, that’s not something anyone would like. 

One thing that’s a fact is that people have different skin types - Oily, normal, dry, sensitive, combination. Different skin types require different skincare products, made up of different active ingredients for the best results. 

Making sure you use the products that work well with your skin type and skin goal is the right thing to do here. Whatever your skincare goal is - to have even skin tone, re-texturise, fight off dullness or dryness, stay away from acne or pimples, have a youthful look and keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay or cure pigmentation, making sure you use the skincare product infused with ingredients that work well with these concerns and your skin type is the key. Following this will lead to quicker and better results, and help you in achieving your skin’s healthiest state. 

But, the real question is -  WHICH IS THE RIGHT INGREDIENT THAT WILL TACKLE YOUR SKIN CONCERN? It’s no doubt that knowing and being well-informed about what will work for your skin is top priority. You need a little bit of well-done research before going ahead and buying a product for your skin concern. There are certain ingredients that are all-rounders and work for multiple problems and some that must only be used for tackling one. We have a list of top active ingredients that will work the best for your skin concerns and give you maximum results. Here you go: 

1. Got Acne?

Getting tiny red bumps and blemishes on your face has to be the last thing you want. Sleeping after completing your CTM routine but waking up with breakouts can be quite disheartening. To combat acne, you can either use Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid which top the list of acne-busting ingredients. Benzoyl Peroxide kills the bacteria that aids the formation of acne and pimples, removes excess oil & dead skin and work in getting rid of acne scars or spots. Using them at the concentration of 2.5 to 10% depending on how intense your acne can be is suggested as per dermats. Salicylic Acid decreases sebum production and unclogs blocked pores by breaking down the bonds between dead skin cells. You can go for products with either Salicylic acid or Benzoyl peroxide or look for products with both the ingredients in them.

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Sublime recommends: Cosrx Salicylic Acid Daily Gentle Cleanser, to start your mornings with a clean, fresh face and to get rid of extra buildup of dirt, oil and grime overnight.A perfect pick-me-up for acne-prone or oily skin!

This is an image of Cosrx Salicylic Acid Daily Gentle Cleanser on

2. Troubled By Pigmentation?

Dark patches getting too annoying? Not to worry at all. Pigmentation occurs due to the overproduction of melanin in skin. For this concern, you can use Vitamin C and Kojic Acid, top actives to deal with dark spots and hyperpigmentation. We’ve always known Vitamin C for brightening but for pigmentation? Yes, it works very effectively to reduce the signs of hyperpigmentation and keeps skin looking visibly brighter. It blocks the production of melanin or tyrosinase that are responsible for melanin production and is a strong antioxidant, protecting skin from the outside pollutants. On the other hand, Kojic Acid works as a gentle, bleaching agent. Just like Vitamin C, Kojic Acid too inhibits the production of tyrosinase and helps with hyperpigmentation. 

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Sublime recommends: Martiderm DSP-Bright 5 Ampoules Serum | 5% Vitamin C, non-comedogenic, pure Vitamin C rich serum ampoules that tackle hyperpigmentation and dark spots like no other, and give you brighter, glowing skin.

This is an image of Martiderm DSP-Bright 5 Ampoules Serum | 5% Vitamin C on

3. Fine Lines And Wrinkles Keeping You Worried?

A skin concern that will at some point in time happen to anybody and everybody. Fine lines and wrinkles are something that you just can’t stop, but delay. You can slow down the process of the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, the topmost signs of premature ageing, and for that, the best ingredient to use are Retinoids. Retinoids are known to induce the production of new blood vessels in the skin which improves and enhances skin tone, fades away age spots and smoothens rough patches. It works on fine lines and wrinkles by inducing the production of collagen that is necessary to keep skin firm and toned.

This is an image of Fine Lines & Wrinkles on


Sublime recommends: Dr. Sheth's Rosehip & Retinoid Power Emulsion, a gentle emulsion or lotion that repairs dry, damaged skin, brightens and firms skin by boosting collagen production.

This is an image of Dr. Sheth's Rosehip & Retinoid Power Emulsion on

4. Dullness Keeping You Down?

Packing on layers of hydration and still seeing your skin look dull? We know how it feels. Dull skin can be caused by a lot of factors - dehydration, lack of sleep, stress or anxiety and what not. But to clear it out, you can always use Glycolic acid as an active ingredient in your skincare products. This gold standard AHA bashes out dullness like nothing else. It sheds away the topmost layer of dry, dead skin cells and reveals a brighter, firmer and hydrated layer of skin underneath. 

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Sublime recommends: Lacuna Light Radiance Polish Clay Mask With Glycolic Acid, a skin polishing mask packed with the goodness of red algae and glycolic acid that works as an instant glow booster. It detoxifies skin, fades dark spots and reduces blemishes.

This is an image of Lacuna Light Radiance Polish Clay Mask With Glycolic Acid on

5. Want To Combat Dryness? 

When we talk about dryness, it’s irrespective of the season - winter, summers and monsoon and of skin type - normal, oily or dry! Dryness on skin can come anytime, as a result of which you are left with flaky, patchy skin. One ingredient that is the right fit over here is Hyaluronic Acid. It has humectant properties that help keep your skin hydrated for a long period of time. It works magically by absorbing moisture from the environment and keeps your skin plumped up and dewy. 

This is an image of Dryness on


Sublime recommends: Aminu Intense Care Soothing Cream, a rich and lightweight serum & moisturiser cream that improves skin’s resilience, intensely nourishes it and tackles unnecessary sensation on sensitive skin by calming it instantly.

This is an image of Aminu Intense Care Soothing Cream on


With our top recommendations of active ingredients that you can look for in your next skincare purchase, you will definitely be able to tackle skin concerns the right way!

- Aparna Das

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