Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies & More!
When skin proteins or dead cells are stuck beneath the skin's surface, white age spots on the skin frequently result. These could also be brought on by conditions like colour loss or depigmentation. While white spots on the skin are not a cause for alarm, it is always advisable to get them examined by a dermatologist who can help you identify the problem and provide you with the right care.
Causes & Symptoms
The causes of white spots on the skin are a wide range of medical problems and environmental variables such as ageing spots. The following are some causes of white spots that can appear on various body parts:
1. Sunspots, or guttate hypomelanosis
Because the skin's natural colour, melanin, has been lost, white spots form there. These spots normally begin on the leg and move to the arms, upper back, and face without causing any symptoms. Sunspots are known to run in families and typically appear after a person turns 40. These are handled as a cosmetic issue because they are not unsafe. Skin cancer is brought on by overexposure to sun, however sunspots do not in any way portend the onset of cancer.
2. Tinea versicolor, or pityriasis versicolor
The fungus that resides on the skin's surface gets out of hand when it comes to tinea versicolor (TV). It results in clusters of light or dark, dry, scaly, and irritating patches that surround the skin and expand slowly. People occasionally become aware of these effects after getting a suntan. In hot and muggy climates, symptoms are more obvious!
3. Pityriasis alba
A common, non-cancerous skin ailment characterised by red patches is called Pityriasis alba. These do recover, but white spots are left behind. It affects the face, neck, shoulders, and arms in youngsters between the ages of 3 and 6 when it first appears. Others you can believe to be a mild case of eczema.
4. Vitiligo
Where skin pigment or colour-producing cells have been killed, white areas form. Some speculate that it could be an autoimmune disorder where the immune system unintentionally damages healthy cells. In areas that are exposed to the sun & UV exposure, white patches can appear slowly or suddenly. Most people first experience skin darkening in their 20s and this, too, runs in families.
5. Milia
These white, fluid-filled sacs that are firm, elevated, and painless grow on the skin's surface. When keratin, which helps to harden the skin's outer layer, becomes stuck and forms a fluid-filled sac, these randomly emerge. Secondary milia can develop as a result of skin irritation, blistering, and tissue damage. It may also happen as a side effect of a medication you are taking.

The reason for these spots will determine exactly how they should be treated.
1. Sunspots, or guttate hypomelanosis
Sunspots caused by sun damage are not treated by most individuals. However, the same is treatable in other ways.
1. Apply a sunscreen for sun protection such as the Arata Sunscreen Gel which is light-textured and balances your skin.
2. Avoid spending too much time in the sun
3. Avoid artificial tanning beds
4. Apply topical retinoid creams such as the Minimalist 2% Retinoid Anti-Ageing Night Cream which will give your skin a youthful vibrancy.
2. Tinea versicolor, or pityriasis versicolor
PV symptoms typically go away on their own. People do, however, seek treatment for itching and skin discolouration. The procedure entails:
1. Regular usage of moisturisers in your skincare routine such as the Put Simply Waterdam(n) Moisturiser which is a barrier supporting hydrating gel cream.2. Elidel cream which is a non steroidal formula
3. Pityriasis alba
The initial course of treatment involves antifungal shampoos, washes, soaps, and lotions as a part of your skincare order. They are available for purchase both offline and online. Further treatments could be required to take place in a hot setting or throughout the spring and summer months once the symptoms stop manifesting. Additionally, doctors might issue short-term prescriptions for antifungal medications. Ketoconazole or selenium sulphide are ingredients in antifungal medications.
4. Vitiligo
To lessen the effects of vitiligo, there are a variety of therapeutic methods available. If the symptoms are mild, people can avoid having noticeable patches by cutting back on or quitting their sun exposure. Other therapies comprise:
1. Low-dose corticosteroid creams
2. Tattooing over the white patches
3. Bleaching the skin surrounding the white patches to blend them
5. Milia
The first line of treatment is advised to use retinoid creams and ointments containing 0.1% tretinoin. Additionally, steroid creams are given to get rid of or lessen milia.

Home Remedies For White Spots
You can attempt a few at-home treatments to treat white spots on the skin.
1. Use copper-made containers to drink water and eat meals. Drink the water that has been kept overnight in particular when it comes to water.2. Increase your fig consumption.
3. Drink ginger juice to help your skin's white spots receive more blood flow.
4. You can regularly consume buttermilk as well.
5. Pomegranate leaves can be ground into a powder once they have dried. Take 8 grams of this powder each morning with water.
The following commonly asked questions provide some clarification on the subject of white spots.
1. Can white patches be cured?
While white patches cannot be cured, they can be treated to inhibit the spread. It is a chronic illness.
2. What foods do you need to avoid for white patches?
Coffee, citrus fruits, yoghurt, seafood, gooseberries, and alcohol should all be avoided. These have the potential to make white patches worse and speed up their spread.
Takeaway - Should you be concerned?
It is thought that treatment is not necessary in the majority of white spot instances. But in order to rule out any unintended consequences, one must get it examined by a dermatologist. When a person should consult a doctor is
1. Even with minimal treatment, white patches are still visible after a few weeks.
2. White patches keep reappearing.
3. White spots generate symptoms including discomfort, itching, or mental stress
4. White spots spread to other areas of the body
- Harshita Shah