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Your Complete Guide To Minimalist Living

The contemporary standards of living are liable to overwhelm you at times. As a result, you end up wasting resources. That’s when you perceive the necessity of making everything work with only what...
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Make Your Sunscreen Your Best Friend This Summer

The holy grail of making your skin look young and fine is sunscreen. No matter how many products you have in your skincare routine, without sunscreen, all else falls apart. If achieving healthy and...
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Clean Communities

The Path To A More Sustainable Lifestyle

“Sustainability.” This word seems to be all the buzz these days, doesn’t it?  Now, what does it actually stand for in terms of beauty, wellness and skincare? To clear the confusion, sustainable bra...
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When To Save & When To Splurge: Skincare Version

With the financial year coming right up, it is the best time to plan a new budget for your skincare in a way so that you’re able to stick to it for the rest of the year. Skincare budgeting can be c...
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Creating A Budget For Your Cosmetics

Working out a budget plan for every category is very important to keep a check on your expenses. It will also allow you to restrict unnecessary purchases. Like any other budget plan, a dedicated bu...
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Money-Saving Tips Every Beauty & Skincare Addict Must Know!

Being a skincare addict can prove to be heavy to one’s wallet, but there is no problem which doesn’t have a solution. In this article, we have summarised a few tips which might help you navigate th...
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What Does Being Happy Do To Your Skin?

Our bodies are made up of several chemical substances known as hormones. These hormones play the role of messengers that control our physiological health. These chemical substances are secreted thr...
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Stay Committed To Mindfulness With Aromatherapy!

The majority of us lead hectic lives. Some days are good, and some days are bad. Certain situations in our daily lives can trigger stress and anxiety, getting the best of us. We tend to overlook ou...
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Benefits Of Rose Water & Unusual Ways To Use It

The symbol of romance and feminity has always been roses. While its beauty is enticing, we figured that since it is popular in skincare too, we can get maximum benefits out of this ingredient. How ...